Perry Beebe
11 Jun 14
If you are renting a property in a shared household situation then you should have the names of all tenants listed on the tenancy agreement. For this reason if anything at all changes regarding the people residing in the home you will need to contact All Residential Real Estate and discuss this as soon as possible.
For example, you may decide you no longer wish to share with your housemate or housemates, and either they or you have decided to move out. Naturally there are renting laws in place that need to be adhered to and our professional staff at All Residential Real Estate can help take you through the steps of making a change to your agreement.
While it may seem like a big job to make the changes to your tenancy agreement, it is a very important exercise and one we can easily help you complete. You can be found to be in a breach of contract if one of the tenants moves out and a new one moves in unapproved and unaccounted for on the lease.
If you are a tenant who no longer wishes to share the best real estate with your housemate, you first need to sit down and discuss this with the other occupants and decide who will stay and who will go. If you are unsure about how to approach this here are some tips that may be helpful.
Honesty is the best policy
In most cases you will likely have a legitimate reason for not wanting to share anymore. Perhaps your flatmates are too noisy at the times when you are trying to sleep, or they have a pet you find you don’t want to be around for any number of reasons.
Whatever the reason, it’s sometimes best to just sit them down and let them know the reason. This may be beneficial for them to know for future shared situations. However, in other cases you may not feel there is any particular reason except that things just don’t feel right or that they are not working out.
Perhaps some personality differences are surfacing or you are going in different directions. In this instance there is nothing really you can pin point, so just state that you don’t want to share anymore and you think its best you went your separate ways.
Sadly there are times when things don’t go well and some nastiness occurs. Resorting to measures like changing locks is simply not allowed without permission and if you have arrived at this stage you will probably need some professional advice. In this case, we’re here to help so if you have any questions give us a call or visit online at The Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service can also provide you with helpful, accurate information