4.How do you run inspections -- open house versus privateinspections?

At All Residential Real Estate we offer both private inspections and open houses to provide maximum flexibility to buyers. We want as many people as possible see your property so you get the serious offers coming in.

We're extremely thorough during inspections because we know every person who walks through your door could be the one to make that great offer. We'll record all buyer details so we can follow up everyone. And we'll make sure buyers take away a brochure which highlights all the great features of your property, so yours is the one they remember.

Our agent will always be present during inspections and we're extremely conscious of all security aspects, like closing windows and ensuring your property is locked up afterwards so you don't need to worry.

In addition, we'll make sure people take their shoes off and we'll return your house to you in the same condition as you left it, so you won't come home to any dirty footprints!

At All Residential Real Estate we understand the importance of communicating with you regularly so you always know what's going on. We'll contact you to organize inspections at a time that suits you. Then we'll report back to you the results of the inspection and next steps.

So if you want an agent who'll maximize every sales opportunity that comes through your door, and who will take care to lock it afterwards, complete the form on the right of this page or call us today on 4228 2555.

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